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So lid d ril lin g an d bo re m ac hi ni ng 1 HSS drilling 1 2 Solid carbide drilling 3 Indexable insert drilling 4 Reaming and Countersinking 5 Spindle Tooling Th re ad ing 6 Taps and thread formers 7 Circular and Thread Milling 8 Thread turning Tu rn ing 9 Turning Tools 10 Multifunctional Tools – EcoCut and FreeTurn 11 Grooving Tools 12 Miniature turning tools Milli ng 13 HSS Milling Cutters 14 Solid Carbide milling cutters 15 Milling tools with indexable inserts Cl am pin g t ec hn olo gy 16 Adaptors and Accessories 17 Workpiece clamping 18 Material examples and article no Index